Lochindorb summer solstice swim, There is something quite satisfying about being in the water when it starts to rain, I felt like I had beaten the weather
My pinhole photography workshop at Forres Falconer Museum, also don’t miss the Caravan Obscura with Kenny Bean
I ran a drop in Pinhole Workshop at Logie Steading, The surprise snowy conditions made things challenging but we had fun making cameras from recycled drinks cans and sweet tins. I decided to experiment a bit and made a 360 degree 3x pinhole blender. Thank you everyone for supporting the event there were some great results.
#creativeplace #Forres #pinhole
'Drinks Can Cameras' a workshop for Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day http://t.co/hY8au2ZwiH #pinhole pic.twitter.com/qrZGGrZWg4
— Chris Bird (@BirdGwelfor1) April 14, 2015
26/04/2015 #pinhole #photography pic.twitter.com/AR7G4bVq2i
— Chris Bird (@BirdGwelfor1) April 14, 2015
#pinhole just floating in space pic.twitter.com/QSpYH472FR
— Chris Bird (@BirdGwelfor1) April 12, 2015
Sun between cloud #pinhole coffee can camera, paper negative pic.twitter.com/LOfugbZ7jV
— Chris Bird (@BirdGwelfor1) April 11, 2015