Lochindorb summer solstice swim, There is something quite satisfying about being in the water when it starts to rain, I felt like I had beaten the weather
Pinhole Photography at The Falconer Museum, Festival Of Museums
My pinhole photography workshop at Forres Falconer Museum, also don’t miss the Caravan Obscura with Kenny Bean
blending in for pinhole day…
I ran a drop in Pinhole Workshop at Logie Steading, The surprise snowy conditions made things challenging but we had fun making cameras from recycled drinks cans and sweet tins. I decided to experiment a bit and made a 360 degree 3x pinhole blender. Thank you everyone for supporting the event there were some great results.
#creativeplace #Forres #pinhole
Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day 2015
#garden #archaeology
‘Drinks Can Cameras’
'Drinks Can Cameras' a workshop for Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day http://t.co/hY8au2ZwiH #pinhole pic.twitter.com/qrZGGrZWg4
— Chris Bird (@BirdGwelfor1) April 14, 2015
Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day
26/04/2015 #pinhole #photography pic.twitter.com/AR7G4bVq2i
— Chris Bird (@BirdGwelfor1) April 14, 2015
just floating in space
#pinhole just floating in space pic.twitter.com/QSpYH472FR
— Chris Bird (@BirdGwelfor1) April 12, 2015
sun between clouds
Sun between cloud #pinhole coffee can camera, paper negative pic.twitter.com/LOfugbZ7jV
— Chris Bird (@BirdGwelfor1) April 11, 2015